Terry Robins
Senior Accociate Consultant. (Retail)
We are delighted to announce that Terry Robins has agreed to work with us as an Senior Associate Consultant on client projects. Terry is one of the best known and most widely respected packaging
technologists in the industry today. A renowned expert in packaging design and usage at the highest level for over 30 years, and instrumental in the introduction of the BRC/IoP Accreditation, Terry
brings a huge amount of knowledge and influence to our team. As well as his unrivalled product knowledge and BRC implementation. Terry is still a key member if the BRC/IoP Technical Advisory
Committee which he chaired from its conception in 2000 until 2008. Terry is also internationally recognised a leading authority on legislation relating to packaging and waste.
- Experienced Packaging Technologist with 30+ years retail experience for both Food Technology and Packaging Technology
- Holder of the Diploma in Packaging Technology and Fellow of The Institute of Packaging
- Having worked for Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd for 32 years, Terry Robins has a huge experience in all matters regarding retail packaging.
- Has worked with a number of universities and institutions on cutting edge packaging technologies.
- Assisted in the development of Radio Frequency sealing of food containers.
- Has written numerous articles on packaging and presented many seminar papers on packaging issue.
- Instigator in setting up the BRC/IoP Technical Standard for Packaging and chaired its writing committee.
- Chaired the Technical Advisory Committee for the BRC/IoP Technical Standard from its conception until 2008 and is now a committee member.
- Has judged a number of Packaging Awards and was a regular judge of IoP Star Pack Awards
- Able to advise you on your legal requirements for Packaging Essentials Requirements Regulations including Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packing Waste) Regulations and food contact
packaging legislation.
E Mail: enquiries@hemsleysolutions.co.uk (Quote Retail)